Hasbro thinks it has one of the top toys of 2013 with its new Furby. Furby has been brought back this year with a more sophisticated brain and the ability to work with a mobile app. The original Furby sold over 40 million units. Hasbro is hoping its new iteration will appeal to people who owned the original Furby and kids who love interactive toys. The big difference with the old model and the new model is the price. The new one costs two times as much as the old one.
The development of the new Furby began last year. Hasbro got a team of designers together in an effort to create the next big holiday toy. They wanted to create a toy that was alive. They tested various prototypes and finally decided that they would give Furby an update. Part of the appeal of the original Furby was that it developed its own personality as you played with. Hasbro wanted to build on the original idea.
When the original Furby was created the economy was very strong. The toy was only $30 dollars. Now Hasbro is hoping that people who loved the original Furby and a new generation of kids will fall in love with Furby all over again.
The problem with Furby is that we have seen many of the elements before. There is nothing really new about the concept. It's going to be tough to sell people the same toy at double the cost given the slow economy. There are some new innovations but the actual toy is really the same. It might be just a little bit more interactive.
The new Furby is actually the most expensive toys ever developed by Hasbro. Hasbro has put a lot of resources into this project because they believe it will be a big success. All of the major retailers including Walmart, Target, and ToysRus are betting on Furby to do well. Right now Hasbro is counting on a big hit as their revenue has been sluggish in 2013. Toys face increasing competition from mobile devices like the iPad. Toy companies need to start to innovate in order to catch up technologically.
Most people think that Furby represents are step in the right direction. It's an innovative product but there is a lot more work to do. The entire industry has really slowed down in terms of innovation.
Hasbro and Mattel have a lineup of toys this year that really embrace technology more than any other year. They have toys that are designed to take advantage of mobile devices. Hasbro has waiting to bring back Furby and now the technology is finally cheap and advanced enough to put in a toy. One of the reasons Hasbro has brought back Furby instead of creating an entirely new toy is because of its brand recognition. Millions of kids in the United States owned the original one.
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The new one looks a lot like the old one. However, the internal sensors and circuits are far more sophisticated than the old one. One of the most noticeable differences is Furby's eyes which are made out of LCD displays. This allows Hasbro to animate the eyes and give the character personality.
Furby can also change its personality based on how kids treat it. If you pet it and cuddle it, it will become more loveable. If you shake it and throw it around, it may become angry. Furby can also interact with other Furbies.
One of the newest additions is that Furby has its own app. Right now the app is available on iOS devices but it will soon be available on Android devices. The app translates Furby's language, Furbish, into English. Users can also feed Furby hamburgers and other junk food. With the upcoming holiday season, it remains to be seen how well the new Furby does.
Updated: Monday, 4 March 2013 12:34 PM PST
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